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Focus on your goals and reach them. Chec


Our Personal training offers interactive, one-on-one sessions administered by nationally certified personal trainers. An individually designed program can include any combination of strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, stretching and weight management to achieve your desired fitness goals. Our Team will motivate and provide hands-on assistance to create a program specific to your needs.


Small Group Personal Training
In addition to the description for personal training, why not take advantage of these small group sessions if you are interested in upgrading your workouts to achieve your health and fitness goals? This is a great opportunity to get individualized instruction at a great value! Personal or corporate group sessions offered.



1 Hour Sessions        $46.99-50/hour

30 minutes Sessions  $30.00-35.00

Group of 2   $35.00/hour per person

Group of 3   $30.00/hour

Group of 4   $25.00/hour

Have you done your FREE Peloton ride yet

Come take a ride on the Peloton Bike, first ride is FREE!. On Demand and Live Spin Classes available. For $6.00+tax or Unlimited for $30 a month

Self care Sunday’s are a great check in
Fascial Stretch Therapy


What is FASCIAL STRETCH THERAPY? I get this question a lot.. What makes FST different from just stretching yourself or practicing yoga? I’ll give ya a quick run down. 

FST targets not only the muscles, but the FASCIA. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints. FST targets the entire joint and joint capsule and a therapist (like yours truly) will use traction and circumvention to remove restrictions from movement and to stimulate lubrication. We work in all planes of movement to smoothly even out tension and bring your body back home. There’s no pain or discomfort, just gentle and relaxing.

Most standard self-stretch protocols are just that. Standard. Basic. If you stretch yourself incorrectly or push through pain and discomfort, you could be unknowingly causing MORE tightness and inflexibility because your muscles will respond to protect themselves and tighten up. Ouch. 

Fascial Stretch Therapists are trained to evaluate and personalize the session. We listen to YOUR tissue and what it needs. We look for imbalances, use breath to help with movement, skillfully add in PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) techniques, use traction to create space in the joint and correctly warm-up the joints and muscles to maximize blood flow. FST follows a logical anatomical order to lengthen muscle, increase range of motion, improve flexibility, reduce pain, improve energy, improve posture... the list goes on and on I was fortunate to be trained at @stretchtowin which is the gold standard of FST 

You can book a session with me at Rep Fitness! 



This is a very unique training that you can't get from most gyms, with the knowledge and expertise of Team Rep Fitness you are guaranteed to improve technique and strength. Our background in Olympic-style lifting and personal training, we can help anyone at any level. 

           BOOT CAMP
Got what it takes to survive eight weeks?  Walk in with Desire. Walk out a Warrior!! 
This style of group training breaks down your weaknesses to only build you back up even stronger.  Sign up now and receive more information from our instructors.  
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